Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Tell me what's goin on for years

still seein that crazy light

really wondering who is living there
should be kind of an alien
green lights ?
light signals?
never figured out what's goin on there...
been years though.. maybe I can find a way to highlight the mystery..

but how ?

btw I really wanna take photos..
forgot my cameras in amsterdam , I only have my smena with a really really old film in it... yeah will just finish it and take some more stuff.. hopefully find another exciting camera soon..

god anyway who is the alien huhhh !!???

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

wish tree

she is not afraid to die.

just make a wish

Dear Diary,

Dear diary

my eye ball says hi , it's hanging to my knees now.

today was so shiny maybe thats why ? talked to some ghosts in the backyard.
here they are

Monday, June 1, 2009


is growing.
I'm sure that Yoko Ono
would wish as well.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

very light very light

it's blue again
I go to my coral house to rest
shapes are fallin from the walls but all colors are same.
hold my hand and here we go


poping the blog.. oh

Oh how it
feels is just you and me.
me starts a diary.
candles all around boom boom boom !
do u like
dinos or their eggs ?

sunday nite
crises are full of love
and you
disappearing in the ....
then I should say , I'm in love with a stripper.

luv , dwayh